" Ya Allah! Sebagaimana Engkau Pernah menghantar burung-burung ababil menghancurkan tentera bergajah Musyrikin, maka kami memohon kepada mu Ya Allah….Ya Tuhan Ku turunkanlah bantuan mu kali ini kepada orang orang dizalimi, hancurkanlah regim UMNO dan sekutu-sekutunya. Amin"
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pelajar akan diajar guna Kondom tahun depan?

Oleh: amkns

"Sudah sah, terang lagi bersuluh, pendidikan seks akan diajar di semua sekolah di Malaysia mulai tahun depan (2011) bermula dari pelajar sekolah rendah Tahun 1 lagi. Di negara barat salah satu objektif pendidikan seks ialah untuk mengelakkan kehamilan di kalangan remaja bawah umur, bukan untuk mengelakkan berZINA.

Fakta objektif pendidikan seks di barat untuk mengelakkan kehamilan di kalangan remaja pada pautan berikut http://amkns.blogspot.com/2010/10/pendidikan-seks-di-seluruh-sekolah-di.html

Kenapa media tak heboh isu ini, pergi tanya Mufti ke, JAKIM ke, Jakun ke ?

Isnin November 15, 2010

Sokong Pendidikan Seks, Pastikan Guru Diberi Latihan - PIBGN

PETALING JAYA: Guru yang bakal mengajar subjek pendidikan seks di sekolah pada tahun hadapan perlu dilatih bagi memastikan mereka bersedia menghadapi pelbagai persoalan daripada pelajar mengenai subjek itu. Presiden Majlis Permuafakatan Persatuan Ibu Bapa Guru Nasional (PIBGN) Prof Madya Datuk Mohamad Ali Hasan berkata, latihan semula itu perlu biarpun silibus telah ditetapkan bagi setiap peringkat pembelajaran.

"Persediaan para guru adalah penting kerana pelajar akan bertanya perkara-perkara yang diluar jangkaan dan latihan persediaan perlu supaya guru dapat memberi jawapan yang tepat dan tidak terkeluar daripada silibus ditetapkan," katanya ketika dihubungi mStar Online di sini, Ahad. Mohamad Ali dalam pada itu berkata, PIBGN menyokong penuh pelaksanaan pembelajaran subjek itu yang bakal memulakan pembelajaran mulai tahun depan.

Katanya lagi, subjek yang diberi nama Pendidikan Sosial dan Pertumbuhan Kesihatan bagaimanapun perlu menggunakan bahan rujukan yang sesuai dengan setiap peringkat pelajar supaya maksud sebenar subjek itu diwujudkan bertetapan dengan objektif asal. Beliau turut menyarankan pendekatan agama, budaya dan adab nilai timur diterapkan bagi memastikan pembelajaran itu lebih holistik.

"Tujuan kita mengajar subjek ini adalah supaya pelajar dapat menghargai diri mereka dan dapat menjaga diri mereka pada masa hadapan. "Jadi jika diselitkan serba sedikit mengenai agama, budaya dan nilai ketimuran yang ada pasti lebih memberi kesan," ujarnya.

Terdahulu, Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Wee Ka Siong berkata, mata pelajaran itu akan diajar selama 30 minit setiap minggu dalam kelas Pendidikan Jasmani di semua peringkat sekolah rendah dan menengah. Sebelum ini, Wee berkata pendidikan seks akan di ajar hanya diperingkat sekolah menengah sebagai satu mata pelajaran kurikulum.


Sex education from Year 1


KUALA LUMPUR: Sex education will be taught in all primary schools from Year One next year.

Called social and reproductive health education, the component will be taught for 30 minutes every week during Physical and Health Education lessons, said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong.

It will be compulsory for all pupils.

Earlier this week, Wee said sex education would be taught in secondary schools as part of the curriculum from next year. However, yesterday he said it would be introduced in primary schools as well.

“This new component will be taught to pupils from Years One to Six,” he said after presenting 94 gold medals to top scorers from primary and secondary schools for the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools, under the University of New South Wales.

He said the sex education component would focus on family values and protecting oneself, and not merely on sex.

He said sex education was first introduced four years ago in secondary schools as part of co-curricular activities. The module is called “I’m in Control”.

The module will continue to be used, with focus on high-risk groups, HIV and other social issues.

This is in addition to the sex education that will be introduced in all secondary schools.

“The module is not compulsory but classroom lessons are,” Wee said.

He said the sex education component would be taught for 40 minutes weekly in secondary schools during Physical and Health Education classes.

During these sessions, he said, pupils would learn about the reproductive system, precautions, learning to say no and sexually transmitted diseases.

“If a pupil is out for lunch with someone, at least he or she will know how to behave appropriately. It is to create awareness.”

For years, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) pushed the government to introduce sex education in schools. They had said the government could give the subject any other name so that people would be more comfortable with it.

Wee said the subject would be taught by teachers who had undergone training.

He added that the ministry had enough competent teachers to teach the subject.

“Now, it is a matter of exposing them to the subject content.”

This new social and reproductive health education component is part of the new curriculum called Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah, which will be introduced from next year.

Wee said the content of the social and reproductive health component was designed after discussion with NGOs and other players.

“We gathered feedback from all parties, including parents, before reviewing

the Physical and Health Education textbooks.”

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